[MERGE] integrated EOL conversion support

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Mon Mar 30 06:32:11 BST 2009

Matt Doran wrote:

> Fair enough, I think I need to digest this a bit more.  We make heavy
> use of SVN and eol-style and I'm considering a transition to bzr.
> What seems a little strange to me is that the EOL decision can be made
> by each end-user through their local configuration.  It is flexible, but
> is it too flexible? :)

It's the only option available currently. :-(

> I guess once there's a capability for branch or tree specific rules, you
> could define a project policy for this.
>> That patch has been abandoned for a new, more flexible approach. See
>> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/51347.
> Thanks for the pointer.  So this isn't implemented yet, but it's the
> planned way forward?

I'm working on it.

> I'm not very familiar with "branch.conf", but that doesn't seem to be a
> versioned file.   Is there some way to provide versioned configuration
> through this scheme to allow a project to mandate particular
> rules/configuration?

Not currently. The path for the rules file can always point into the
branch or another vcs-controlled location. We can't force users to
specify that in their branch.conf (or locations.conf) file though.

FWIW, I'm looking at adding "dependency rules", e.g. something like

bzr = 1.14
projectX_stuff = 0.5

where projectX_stuff is a plugin. Again, these can go in a rules file
along with other stuff like EOL rules, but I'm still not sure how we
can ultimately force it into place. Ideas are welcome!

Ian C.

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