The continuing repository-collision saga

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Thu Mar 26 13:44:07 GMT 2009

Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:

> Not sure. The "format: unnamed" bit means you've got a
> tree/branch/repository format combination that can't be requested
> via "bzr init". My guess is you have a Branch5 branch. What's the
> output of "bzr info -v"?

$ bzr info -v
Repository tree (format: unnamed)
  shared repository: /home/bignose/Projects/debian/
  repository branch: .

Related branches:
  parent branch: /home/bignose/Projects/debian/
  submit branch:

       control: Meta directory format 1
  working tree: Working tree format 4
        branch: Loom branch format 6
    repository: Packs containing knits without subtree support

In the working tree:
       180 unchanged
         0 modified
         0 added
         0 removed
         0 renamed
         0 unknown
         0 ignored
         1 versioned subdirectory

Branch history:
      1444 revisions
      1238 days old
   first revision: Fri 2005-11-04 10:34:51 +0000
  latest revision: Tue 2009-03-24 19:20:32 +1100

      2408 revisions

> If you'll send me the bundle, I can have a look. Please be sure to
> send the original bundle-- don't re-run bzr send.

Shall do, in a separate message.

 \     “Welchen Teil von ‘Gestalt’ verstehen Sie nicht?  [What part of |
  `\                ‘gestalt’ don't you understand?]” —Karsten M. Self |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney
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