bzr 1.10 selftests

Toni Mueller support at
Tue Mar 24 12:29:36 GMT 2009

Hi Martin,

On Tue, 24.03.2009 at 21:44:12 +1100, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> 2009/3/24 Toni Mueller <support at>:
> > ( does not seem to make
> > any progress. On, there is a nice

> I'm happy to help you with this, and I would like better OpenBSD
> support.

this sounds nice. Thank you!

> OpenBSD is not really going to get very high up on our list
> unless users of it step up to at least try to isolate and reproduce
> the bugs and do some guided debugging.  If by "unable to help with
> that" you mean you're not going to provide any more information then
> we're kind of stuck and that bug will languish.

With "unable to help" I meant: I don't understand bzr to do much
besides running the test suite, possibly with this or that patch, and
generally do a bit of the "guided debugging" that you talk about. The
problem from my end is that I didn't get any patches or other guidance
for this, so I'm currently stuck. As said, I hope to re-do the testing
with the current version, but I really hope that you (or someone else
in the project) follows up, so I can see progress.

> We're very happy to help but it's just not very likely I will get
> around to installing OpenBSD to test it if no one else wants to help
> with it.

I'd be happy to send you a pre-installed OpenBSD VM which works with
kvm, if you like that.

> It's generally going to be better if you mail the list or post to the
> bug tracker rather than me directly.

I don't know which list, but posting to the bug tracker seemed highly
ineffective. That's why I mailed you directly, after all.

> I have several suggestions for things to do next in
> <>.  The first would be to
> run it in just a plain terminal, with TMPDIR set to a place with
> sufficient space,

This I have already done - the things attached to the bug were afair
created after I resolved the TMPDIR issue.

> currently cluttered by reports of you running out of disk space etc.

Ok. I'm pretty sure that I covered that, but anyway... :/

> Another thing I'd like to know is, does bzr work in general use even
> if the test suite fails?

That's the question: I didn't encounter breakage yet, but then I don't
know how to identify it right now. I'm not using bzr heavily, though.

But OTOH, I wanted to make sure it works correctly, instead of silently
incurring corrupted repos that would blow up when I rsync' them to
other computers, running Linux, or vice-versa, or simply still on
OpenBSD, only later down the road. My running the test suite was
sparked by a message on OpenBSD's ports@ list, where one of the
developers mentioned that the test suite blew up in a major fashion for

Kind regards,

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