Help with bzr-svn

Talden talden at
Tue Mar 24 01:35:37 GMT 2009

> On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 16:22 +1300, Talden wrote:
>> I've been playing with bzr-svn (on windows with bzr 1.11).  Generally
>> it's been a good experience but I am uncertain about how to get the
>> history our developers would expect.
>> NB: Numbers and paths are fabricated for the purpose of this email.
>> Based on a true story.
>> If I "bzr branch svn://server/repo/dev/projectX/newtrunk"  I get about
>> 100 revisions. The trouble is that a little while ago 'newtrunk' was
>> copied from "svn://server/repo/dev/projectX/oldtrunk" where another
>> 10000 revisions should be.
>> "oldtrunk" still exists and has a few patches applied and I'd like to
>> branch that too...
>> "branches" and "tags" are siblings of "newtrunk" and "oldtrunk" and
>> contain copies of either "newtrunk" or "oldtrunk".
>> Issues.
>> 1. The history for "newtrunk" stops dead at a very recent 100 revisions.
>> 2. "newtrunk" should be quite cheap in a shared repo as it is only 100
>> revisions diverged from "oldtrunk".

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
> Use the bzr 1.12 installer with a newer version of bzr-svn. This
> version doesn't restrict the branch names.

Thanks for this (although it's been a while until I was able to try it
again).  Bzr-svn now seems to be starting at the right point in our
history... But it's never that simple...

I'm using bzr.1.13 (windows standalone) on Windows XP and have a new
error that's blocking conversion.  Seemingly bzr thinks these path
separators are part of the folder name and are iillegal characters.
Note that these paths branched fine in the bzr-svn with bzr.1.11 but
merely started at the wrong revision.

[Names have been changed but the 'ERROR' line is given verbatim below]

C:\foo> bzr.exe branch svn://server/repo/dev/projectX/newtrunk
Initialising Subversion metadata cache in ...
bzr: ERROR: Unable to convert Subversion path
lib/eclipse\eclipse\eclipse-3.4.0 because it contains characters
invalid in Bazaar.

Is this a case of bzr-svn not handling the windows paths correctly? Or
is it a problem in the SVN repository (though those paths look normal
through logs and tortoise repo browser).

I've verified that bzr.1.11 gives the same if branching
"svn://server/repo/dev/projectX/oldtrunk" which is where this path was

Curiously, when bzr-svn bails out it leaves the branch incomplete,
even though the repository has some revisions committed (1 in this
case albeit 200meg worth).  bzr-svn had actually converted around 250
more revisions, but when it bailed out it binned those (they were in
repository\upload). In these situations, could bzr leave the branch
intact with its tip at the last completed revision.  This would make
it possible to resume the conversion with a "bzr pull"

Any ideas?


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