Quick bzr-svn question

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Mon Mar 23 23:28:46 GMT 2009

It seems like it is only possible to perform one operation on a remote
Subversion repository at a time, is that correct?

I ask because I am attempting to pull the SVN for Mono (yes, all of it)
via svn-import, and I estimate that at its current rate, it'll take 2 -
4 _days_ to complete.  In the meantime, I'd like to pull one of the
branches and take a look at it, but when I do, bzr complains that the
database is locked.  I'm attempting this branch operation in a totally
different directory tree, so the only thing I can guess is that bzr-svn
holds a lock to something in its cache of the Subversion data.  Would
that be an accurate statement?

	--- Mike

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