python-kerberos and test suite

Bob Tanner tanner at
Mon Mar 23 07:41:38 GMT 2009

I see my .bzr.log contains:

  failed to import kerberos lib: No module named kerberos

I've been doing the release exclusively on Ubuntu hardy.

I see there's a python-kerberos in hardy, but it's for python-2.4.

I've been testing with python-2.5, so I back ported jaunty's python- 
kerberos to my hardy pbuilder, but this got me thinking, did I just  
compromise my test environment?

I reverted to my non-python-kerberos pbuilder test area, until I get  
1.13.1 out the door.

I might be overly caution about the back-port thing, so posting here  
just to make sure a back-port of a package isn't an issue for bzr,  
test validation, and bzr releases?


Bob Tanner <tanner at>                 | Phone : 952-943-8700, Linux, OSX, VMware | Fax      : 952-943-8500
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