Solving the commit-editor-locks-stuff-up problem.

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at
Sat Mar 21 04:37:39 GMT 2009

Robert Collins <robert.collins at> writes:
> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 17:05 -0400, Karl Fogel wrote:
>> When 'bzr commit' brings up a commit message editor, bzr takes a
>> dirstate-lock for the duration of the editing session, thus preventing
>> other uses of the tree.
> Actually, bzr takes a dirstate lock for the duration of a tree write
> lock, and a tree write lock is one of our lockdir locks. So its nothing
> specific to do with the editor.

Oh, I wrote "takes" when I should have written "already has".  I didn't
mean the editor launch was the cause, of course; I was just trying to
describe the user-visible symptoms.

But, as we just discussed on the phone, the performance penalty of my
proposal is too high to be acceptable anyway (and it doesn't solve the
general problem of concurrent operations on certain OSs).  Your approach
in would
address these issues; I've added that link to the bug.

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