pruning history from branch - rebase?

David Reitter david.reitter at
Fri Mar 20 23:05:03 GMT 2009

I'm looking for a bit of advice on how to combine about 15 years worth  
of changes in an active upstream project into just one revision within  
my downstream branch, i.e.
combining revisions 1..80000 or so into a single one.

I understand (from [1]) that rebase should be able to do this.  [2]  
lists a recipe that I will try to follow.

My question is:

- Will I be able to merge new revisions taking place in the upstream  
branch easily into mine?  (Logically I don't see a problem.)
- Will I be able to push changes in my branch upstream, or at least  
generate working merge bundles?

- David

PS.: It would be nice if rebase provided a command to do this.  Also,  
can I suggest to improve the explanation of the "-r" argument of "bzr  
rebase" in its --help text?

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