Failed selftest 1.13rc1

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Thu Mar 12 18:52:47 GMT 2009

Müller-Reineke wrote:
> Dear bzr list,
> "bzr selftest" told me "FAILED (failures=26, errors=3, known_failure_count=27)" on Ubuntu 8.10 and
> "FAILED (failures=3, errors=1, known_failure_count=14)" on SuSE SLES 9 (full output is attached to this mail).
> Is that OK or is it dangerous to use bzr-1.13rc1? (Thats no rhetorical question.)
> This confuses me because
> claims "automated validation that all tests still pass before code is merged into the main code branch.".
> Matthias Müller-Reineke


On your SLES box, all but one of the errors were caused by the tests
hardcoding English error messages, while your system gives them in
German(?). I don't understand the other one, but I think the behavior is
still safe.

I'm...really not sure what's going on on your Ubuntu box. ISTM the test
suite is failing to find the "bzr" program, and I don't know why that
would happen. There must be something wrong with your install.

All in all, I think it's still safe for you to use bzr, but you've found
at least one bug, plus some fragility in the test suite. Thank you for
your report! I'm sure someone more knowledgeable and less lazy than me
will be able to do more.

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