Failed selftest 1.13rc1

Müller-Reineke, Matthias matthias.mueller-reineke at
Thu Mar 12 17:02:19 GMT 2009

Dear bzr list,

"bzr selftest" told me "FAILED (failures=26, errors=3, known_failure_count=27)" on Ubuntu 8.10 and
"FAILED (failures=3, errors=1, known_failure_count=14)" on SuSE SLES 9 (full output is attached to this mail).
Is that OK or is it dangerous to use bzr-1.13rc1? (Thats no rhetorical question.)
This confuses me because
claims "automated validation that all tests still pass before code is merged into the main code branch.".

Matthias Müller-Reineke

Grundeigentümer-Versicherung VVaG
Große Bäckerstraße 7
20095 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 3 76 63 - 199
Fax: 040 - 3 76 63 - 98 199
<mailto:matthias.mueller-reineke at>

Firmensitz: Hamburg HRB 13 103
Vorstand: Heinz Walter Berens (Vors.), Rüdiger Buyten
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Peter Landmann
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: bzr-1.13rc1_selftest-no-plugins_On_Ubuntu-8.10
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 65197 bytes
Desc: bzr-1.13rc1_selftest-no-plugins_On_Ubuntu-8.10
Url : 
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: selftest-no-plugins_On_SLES9
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 8333 bytes
Desc: selftest-no-plugins_On_SLES9
Url : 

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