how to get bazaar log rid of minor "sandbox" commits?
Stephen J. Turnbull
stephen at
Thu Mar 12 03:39:38 GMT 2009
>>>>> Rahul Nabar <rpnabar at> writes:
> On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Neil Martinsen-Burrell
> <nmb at> wrote:
> > Rewriting history to show only certain changes is "rebasing". You
> > want the bzr-rebase plugin:
> > I'm not an expert on its use as I don't use it myself (who do I
> > have to hide from?).
> Less to hide and more to make the history "cleaner" so that people can
> not be distracted by commits that do not matter any more.
At present, this is best done in bazaar by having a workflow that does
the finetuning on a branch, then merges to mainline. Then use "bzr
log -n1" which will display only the mainline.
Or, if you have multiple developers, then each can have a mirror of
the mainline, a personal branch for "publishable" work, and private
branches for work in progress. So you pull from W-I-P to Submit, and
merge, and again from submit to Mainline, and merge. Then use "bzr
log -n2" in the Mainline mirror to see the "clean" history of what all
the developers are doing, or "bzr log -n0" to get the wild-n-woolley
version with every ittybitty commit, rollback, reversion, cherry-pick,
and its-4am-and-Ill-write-!@#$%-in-the-log-if-I-want-to commit message.
Sure, that sounds hairy, but you'll get used to it quickly, I think.
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