bzr log restricted to an arbitrary date range

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Wed Mar 11 20:00:20 GMT 2009

Rahul Nabar wrote:
> Is there any way to "bzr log" so that I get all events between a date
> range? Couldn't find anything in the help file. Unless it means using
> the regex somehow.

Use the "date:" revision spec, e.g. "bzr log -r".

Quoting from "bzr help revisionspec":

> date:
>     Supply a datestamp to select the first revision that matches the date.
>     Date can be 'yesterday', 'today', 'tomorrow' or a YYYY-MM-DD string.
>     Matches the first entry after a given date (either at midnight or
>     at a specified time).
>     One way to display all the changes since yesterday would be:
>         bzr log -r date:yesterday..
>     Examples:
>       date:yesterday            -> select the first revision since yesterday
>       date:2006-08-14,17:10:14  -> select the first revision after
>                                    August 14th, 2006 at 5:10pm.

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