bzr-gtk vs. QBzr

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at
Wed Mar 4 21:41:13 GMT 2009

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 10:33 PM, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> Though the numbering on the packages seems a bit different, and I'm not
> really sure why.
> For example:
> bzr - 1.12-1~bazaar1~hardy1
> versus
> qbzr - 0.9.8-0ubuntu1~qbzr1~hardy1
> Wouldn't that be 0.9.8-0~ubuntu1~... ? Not that I understand debian
> packaging revision strings very well.

Only "1.12-1" and "0.9.8-0ubuntu1" are version strings that would
appear in debian/ubuntu. If the package isn't in debian yet, ubuntu
uses the UPSTREAM-0ubuntuX syntax, otherwise it's UPSTREAM-X in both
debian and ubuntu.


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