[MERGE] Changed diff filename from *.diff to *_diff.txt to make it easier to open on Windows.

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Feb 27 02:15:08 GMT 2009

Mark Hammond пишет:
> On 25/02/2009 2:24 PM, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Mark, I've implemented simple file viewer.
>> Check qview command in QBzr trunk.
>> We have syntax highlighting from Pygments lib for diff/patch files for
>> free :-)
> Awesome :)  I'll look at registering the shell extension.  One thing to
> consider is that we add the registration itself to qbzr itself, or
> another plugin.  eg, on Windows, we may implement something like:
> % bzr qwinregister --ext=*.patch default=view Merge=merge
> or even more explicitly:
> % bzr qwinregister --ext=.patch "--command={bzr} qview %1"
> % bzr qwinregister --ext=.patch --verb=Merge "--command={bzr} merge %1"
> or something like that, which would modify the .patch extension to
> register a "default" verb to view the file and a 'Merge' verb to merge
> the file.  That syntax sucks, but the idea is we can roll the logic into
> our .py runtime code rather than into the Inno code; the Inno code could
> obviously still display the checkboxes and call our executable to do the
> real work...
> Or am I making things unnecessarily complicated? :)

It's a hard question. I can say only this: "it's depend." :-)

I have no problems to see this in qbzr, we have special area for non q-stuff,
look at lib/extra/ package.

But... Please, do unregister these extensions at uninstall!

> Cheers,
> Mark

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