[RFC] commit --fixes xxx: please, store actual bug id in addition to full URL

Karl Fogel karl.fogel at canonical.com
Thu Feb 26 16:35:59 GMT 2009

Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:
> It's not quite rfc, just as the question I'd like to make bzr.devs aware of.
> Currently bzr commit --fixes=xxx store full URL to the bug page.
> In QBzr we're using special regex to extract bug id back to original
> form and then represent them in qlog view as "bug #12345".
> (For example see http://qbzr.googlegroups.com/web/qlog.png)
> To support every new bug tracker we have to add specialized regex
> to parse full URL.
> Maybe it makes more sense to store not only full URL to bug page (as
> today) but in addition and original bug id? So it will be much
> easier to extract this info?

Wow.  Is there really such a thing as a bug URL where the bug number is
not simply the full set of contiguous digits the URL ends with?  (I
guess I'm asking: can't one regexp actually cover them all, in

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