New Emacs Bazaar Repository II

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at
Wed Feb 25 03:44:56 GMT 2009

Jason Earl writes:

 > Anyway, I've made some progress with the Emacs bzr repository.
 > Actually, it can more honestly be said that Ian's changes to fast-import
 > now do a better job with the Emacs repository.  Specifically the missing
 > tags have appeared.  Unfortunately, however, these tags have appeared as
 > branches.

Do you mean that the tags have appeared as tags on revisions on
branches, or that the tags have been converted to branches?

Background: In converting the XEmacs CVS repo to git (a halfway stop
to Mercurial, our official VCS) I've found that cvs2svn in
cvs-to-fastimport mode often creates a branch with one revision on it,
then tags that revision.  Most they get fixed by
cvs2svn-2.2.0/contrib/  The ones that weren't fixed
were due to extreme CVS abuse (surgery on the RCS files, rebasing,
etc), and probably should not happen to you.  So perhaps the bzr
equivalent could work for you?

I was about to suggest that life would be much easier if you did all
the cleanup using git which is designed for that purpose, but then I

 > the git repository that the bzr repository is based on weighs

Urk.  You'll have to fix bazaar's fast-import.

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