Demonstration Help.

Eric Berry elberry at
Fri Feb 20 17:30:25 GMT 2009

Thanks so much everyone for all the help.

I'm still learning the terminology and the differences between BZR and SVN.
I think the simplest thing will be to just go through and actually try to
implement the scenarios I want to demonstrate.

I do have a question regarding the shared repositories though - in regards
to shared repositories on a "server", and those hosted locally.

On my server I've set up several projects each of which consists of it's own
repository - allowing many branches of the same project to share the
repository. If I branch off of the remote project's branches locally, can I
save space by putting those branches into a shared repo locally?

Eg. On the server I have this:
[quote desc="plain vanilla directories on the host"]

For which I have run these commands:
bzr init-repo --no-trees ftp://[host]/ProjectA
bzr init-repo --no-trees ftp://[host]/ProjectB

Then created main branches for each:
bzr init ftp://[host]/ProjectA/main
bzr init ftp://[host]/ProjectB/main

Now I branch off of the main branches locally using, "bzr branch
ProjectA". I know, I should keep a clean branch of the main branch locally -
working through it slowly :)

If I had created a local repository first, would I still gain the benefits
of the shared repo?

[code current_dir="~/development/projects"]
bzr init-repo .
bzr branch ftp://[host]/ProjectA/main ProjectA
bzr branch ftp://[host]/ProjectB/main ProjectB
bzr branch ftp://[host]/ProjectC/main ProjectC*


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