[MERGE/RFC] Content filters - take 6

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Feb 20 14:57:30 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1


> If there are no filters then it should be storing just the same hash
> that it does at present; we'd want to check that it's not doing so
> inefficiently.
> If there are filters and they're symmetric then when we check the
> working file we'll convert it back to the original form, and see
> that it hasn't changed.
> If the filters are asymmetrical, then I think we may get the
> following situation: when the tree is constructed it'll be given the
> canonical hashes, but if we re-hash a file we'll see the hash that
> comes from input filtering on the working copy.  That might be
> reasonable if we saw them as changed when the user specifically
> touched those files, but the problem is that we'll sometimes re-hash
> them because the original timestamp was not safe.

Do we want to support asymmetrical filters? It seems like we should only
really allow filters where "in_filt(out_filt(bytes)) == bytes". Or do
you have some otehr meaning here?

> I'd like to check in to how the hashes are set when the working tree
> is first built.
> So this could lead to the strange situation where if you get a
> checkout with asymmetrical filters then immediately run status, some
> of the files are shown as modified and some are not.  I'm not sure
> what should happen there, but consistently showing them all as
> modified is probably the best thing.
> Asymmetric filters are not the common case but I hoped considering
> those cases would shed light on how it should work.

IMO, if you have an asymmetric filter, you have just modified the whole
working tree.


> +def filtered_output_bytes(chunks, filters, context=None):
> +    """Convert byte chunks from internal to external format.
> +
> +    :param chunks: an iterator containing the original content
> +    :param filters: the stack of filters to apply
> +    :param context: a ContentFilterContext object passed to
> +        each filter
> +    :return: an iterator containing the content to output
> +    """
> +    if filters:
> +        for filter in reversed(filters):
> +            if filter.writer is not None:
> +                chunks = filter.writer(chunks, context)
> +    return chunks
> This would be a bit simpler without the 'if' statement, just letting
> the loop do nothing...

I suppose it depends if "filters" can be None rather than an empty list.


> -    def get_file_with_stat(self, file_id, path=None, _fstat=os.fstat):
> +    def get_file_with_stat(self, file_id, path=None, filtered=True,
> +        _fstat=os.fstat):
>          """See MutableTree.get_file_with_stat."""
>          if path is None:
>              path = self.id2path(file_id)
> -        file_obj = self.get_file_byname(path)
> -        return (file_obj, _fstat(file_obj.fileno()))
> -
> -    def get_file_byname(self, filename):
> -        return file(self.abspath(filename), 'rb')
> -
> -    def get_file_lines(self, file_id, path=None):
> +        file_obj = self.get_file_byname(path, filtered=False)
> +        stat_value = _fstat(file_obj.fileno())
> +        if self.supports_content_filtering() and filtered:
> +            filters = self._content_filter_stack(path)
> +            file_obj = filtered_input_file(file_obj, filters)
> +        return (file_obj, stat_value)
> This method get_file_with_stat seems a bit dangerous because the
> size in the stat object may be inconsistent with what's actually
> returned; I'd like to see if we could deprecate this method.

The reason to have it was to have a "non-racing" implementation to get
the content and the stat. Otherwise if you read at a separate time than
you stat, something could have changed in the mean-time.

I believe the stat is only really used to pass back to the dirstate to
have it mark the file as "unchanged since last commit".

> So to sum up: I think we should move forward with this and I don't
> see anything actually that's actually buggy.  It would be very nice
> if we could do this in a manner entirely separate from the tree,
> either in the current format or in a future dirstate update, and it
> seems just about possible.  But perhaps the right way to go towards
> that is to merge it, and then pick it up.

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