Demonstration Help.

Talden talden at
Thu Feb 19 01:08:38 GMT 2009

>    I've been playing with Bazaar a lot lately, and I'm really enjoying my
> experience with it. I'm planning on doing a demonstration to some of my
> co-workers in the next couple of weeks, and I wanted to be able to show
> multiple users using the repository on one machine. Is there a way I can set
> up bazaar with multiple sessions?
> I'd like to be able to demo some of the various workflows, and in order to
> do that I need to fake multiple users. So far I've only been able to come up
> with an extreme case of using virtual machines (I'm on Mac, but the demo
> will probably be done using a Windows machine). If I was on linux I should
> be able to just "su" as various fake users right? Is there a way to
> accomplish this without actually having to create users on the machine?

Do you actually need multiple users or can you use several work areas
on the one machine (perhaps one shell each) with each having a
different identity

     $ bzr whoami --branch "Talden <talden at>"

--branch AIUI ensures the identity change is local to the
branch/checkout and not global.


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