A branch from a sub-directory?

Stefan Monnier monnier at iro.umontreal.ca
Mon Feb 16 17:47:59 GMT 2009

> In bzr it is possible to have "ghosts". Revisions which are mentioned,
> but which are not currently present. However, the default policy is that
> whenever encountering one of these revisions, we fill it in.

> So while you could indeed record that, as soon as you brought those
> revisions into a repository with the "ghosted" parents, then when you
> branch/push/pull out of there, you are going to get the whole history back.

That's what I was afraid would happen.  Mmaybe those "parent revision
pointers" should be marked "weak", so they can be turned into ghosts
when cloning?
[ I doubt you have such a notion of "weakness", but maybe the
  stacked-branches code uses some related functionality that could be
  abused here? ]


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