A branch from a sub-directory?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Feb 16 14:19:03 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Stefan Monnier wrote:
>> - reconstruct a new history via a process similar to "rebase".  This way
>>   you can get rid of the history part that only affects "unrelated"
>>   files, but you get a new branch unrelated to the old one.
> Now I wonder: would it be possible for this new reconstructed branch to
> be setup such that each commit has two parents: the usual one, plus one
> from the original branch's corresponding revision?
> I'm pretty sure the above is possible, but I guess my question is: would
> this branch still need to contain all the info of the original branch
> (just because it contains "parent commit pointers" to it)?
>         Stefan

In bzr it is possible to have "ghosts". Revisions which are mentioned,
but which are not currently present. However, the default policy is that
whenever encountering one of these revisions, we fill it in.

So while you could indeed record that, as soon as you brought those
revisions into a repository with the "ghosted" parents, then when you
branch/push/pull out of there, you are going to get the whole history back.


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