bzr equivalent of CVS's cvs update -r VERSION

David Cournapeau david at
Sun Feb 15 11:35:48 GMT 2009

Gizbo wrote:
> Hello again.
> I'm playing with bzr, hoping to ditch CVS...
> In CVS, I often execute the command "cvs update -r" to rewind to a
> previous version, which perhaps didn't have a bug I introduced later. 
> I can then figure out what happened since to break the code.
> After googling a bit it seems this feature may not be implemented. If
> correct, this seems pretty weird to me.  I would really want to be
> able to revert to a previous tagged release in my working directory. 
> Isn't this possible?  Is there some conceptual change I have to make
> to work with bzr?

If by reverting, you mean reverting the working tree, then just use bzr
revert -r. If by reverting, you mean reverting revisions, then there are
several options: if the changes are only local, uncommit may be the
best, otherwise you may have to use merge, etc... I am not sure, but I
think uncommit is now part of bzr (it used to be in bzrtools). Note that
using uncommit after having pushed the revisions to be uncommitted
somewhere public should be avoided as much as possible (merge-based
solutions are better in this case).



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