Migrating CVS repositories to Bazaar
Ian Clatworthy
ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Sun Feb 15 11:29:55 GMT 2009
Michael Haggerty wrote:
> J. Bobby Lopez wrote:
>> I've tried "bzr-fastimport", "bzr-svn" (after converting CVS to SVN with
>> cvs2svn), etc, but I've run into difficulties with each of them.
> cvs2svn/cvs2git [1] can now convert directly to a git-fast-import format
> dumpfile, which should be importable using bzr-fastimport.
> For some reason there has been very little feedback from the bzr
> community about how well this works. If this *doesn't* work for you and
> the fault seems to be on the cvs2svn side, please report your problems
> to the cvs2svn mailing list. If it *does* for you, we'd like to hear
> that too!
Apologies for the lack of feedback. As the maintainer of bzr-fastimport,
I had intended to experiment with cvs2git and get back to you on what
changes if any would help us. Life had other plans though so was offline
due to illness for most of the last half of 2008. :-(
On the bright side of things, I have been able to make a pile of
improvements to bzr-fastimport in just the last few days so, if anyone
was having problems going from CVS -> Bazaar using the combination of
our tools, hopefully things will be working better for them now. I still
don't have much time available to work on this more but I am hoping to
make bzr-fastimport much quicker for our next generation repo format we're
currently working hard on getting released.
FWIW, I think it would help a lot of users find "cvs2git" if it had wrappers
and matching web pages titled cvs2bzr and cvs2hg. All 3 of these tools
now support the git-fast-import stream format as a defacto import/export
and interchange standard I believe. Perhaps someone in the Bazaar
community more familiar & experienced with your tools than I could
volunteer to help you make this happen if you lack the time/knowledge?
If so, what exactly would you like from us? Patches? Advice? A free
t-shirt? :-)
Ian C.
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