Migrating CVS repositories to Bazaar

Michael Haggerty mhagger at alum.mit.edu
Sun Feb 15 04:22:56 GMT 2009

Jason Earl wrote:
> Michael Haggerty <mhagger at alum.mit.edu> writes:
>> For some reason there has been very little feedback from the bzr
>> community about how well this works.  If this *doesn't* work for you and
>> the fault seems to be on the cvs2svn side, please report your problems
>> to the cvs2svn mailing list.  If it *does* for you, we'd like to hear
>> that too!
> I've been working with the migration of the Emacs repository, and if *I*
> had a CVS repository that I was going to migrate I wouldn't trust
> anything but cvs2svn/cvs2git, unless I was willing to rework a lot of
> the information by hand.  bzr fast-import works (and is the fastest of
> the bzr importers), and cvs2git has a lot more real world testing behind
> it than any other tool.  There are lots of ways to end up with a less
> than perfect CVS repository and cvs2svn/cvs2git will sort most of them
> out for you.
> The Emacs repository that actually gets used is likely to be something
> that was stitched together using git so that the merge information could
> be included, but unless you have someone willing to do that sort of
> surgery cvs2svn is really the way to go.
> If you want, I suppose I could post that to the cvs2svn mailing list as
> well.  You folks certainly deserve the kudos.

Thanks a lot.  I've added the cvs2svn dev mailing list to the CC list so
that won't be necessary.

I don't think it would be feasible for cvs2git to deduce merges.  But
can you think of a way that it could help support the user manually add
merge information to the output repository?


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