bzr-touch installation

Parth Malwankar parth.malwankar at
Sun Feb 15 01:42:01 GMT 2009

On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 6:40 AM, Matt Nordhoff
<mnordhoff at> wrote:
> Parth Malwankar wrote:
>> Hello,
>> While installing the bzr-touch plugin I get the error listed
>> in the end. I am not sure what if I am doing something wrong
>> here.
>> The bzr-touch directory does seem to be created.
> cd somewhere else. For example:
> % cd ..
> % bzr branch lp:bzr-touch plugins/touch
> (And rm -rf plugins/bzr-touch too.)
> You weren't really doing anything wrong (aside from putting the plugin
> in a directory called "bzr-touch" instead of just "touch"). The problem
> is that Python searches for modules in the current directory, so when
> the email plugin tried to do "import email", it got itself instead of
> the standard library module called "email", and threw an error.

Thanks Matt. That was the issue.
"bzr touch" is working nicely now :)

> This had nothing to do with the bzr-touch plugin; any other bzr
> operation that loaded the email plugin would have done it.
> (Hmm, the bzr-touch directory is probably in a reasonably consistent
> state, so you might be able to just do "mv bzr-touch touch" and have it
> work, instead of deleting it and downloading it again. If the working
> tree didn't get created properly, you might have to "cd touch && bzr co"
> or "cd touch && bzr up" though.)
> --

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