bzr-touch installation

Matt Nordhoff mnordhoff at
Sun Feb 15 01:10:54 GMT 2009

Parth Malwankar wrote:
> Hello,
> While installing the bzr-touch plugin I get the error listed
> in the end. I am not sure what if I am doing something wrong
> here.
> The bzr-touch directory does seem to be created.

cd somewhere else. For example:

% cd ..
% bzr branch lp:bzr-touch plugins/touch

(And rm -rf plugins/bzr-touch too.)

You weren't really doing anything wrong (aside from putting the plugin
in a directory called "bzr-touch" instead of just "touch"). The problem
is that Python searches for modules in the current directory, so when
the email plugin tried to do "import email", it got itself instead of
the standard library module called "email", and threw an error.

This had nothing to do with the bzr-touch plugin; any other bzr
operation that loaded the email plugin would have done it.

(Hmm, the bzr-touch directory is probably in a reasonably consistent
state, so you might be able to just do "mv bzr-touch touch" and have it
work, instead of deleting it and downloading it again. If the working
tree didn't get created properly, you might have to "cd touch && bzr co"
or "cd touch && bzr up" though.)

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