Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

Nicholas Allen nicholas.allen at
Thu Feb 12 12:19:05 GMT 2009

Matthieu Moy wrote:
> Talden <talden at> writes:
>> I would expect that most java shops will lean heavily towards explicit
>> renames and folder tracking specifically because of the tight
>> relationship between folder structure, file naming and code content.
> That is an argument _in favor_ of dealing with file names the same way
> you deal with code content. Any decent VCS detect content changes with
> a diff algorithm, and you still didn't give an argument to do it
> another way for file names.

I guess you are probably not a heavy Java developer using Eclipse 
refactoring tools. When I change a file's contents I have made an 
explicit change to it's contents. When I change the name that is also an 
explicit change. Because name and content are so tightly coupled in Java 
it's best to be explicit about both and not just explicit about the 
changes to the content and allow an algorithm to detect the file name 

But I don't want this to turn into a Bazaar vs Git flame war. Bazaar is 
better for my purposes than git was when I last looked at it. For the 
most part I spend more time programming, testing and debugging than 
working in Bazaar so 1-2 seconds slower does not bother me as much as 
not tracking file renames explicitly. But I can see that git may be 
better for some users. If you are one of them then that's great.


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