Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

David Cournapeau david at
Thu Feb 12 12:02:11 GMT 2009

Matthieu Moy wrote:
> Once you fixed the above, try to fix also
>   bzr rm --keep file
>   bzr commit
>   # oops.
>   bzr add file
> and the "someone used plain patch to add a file" scenario.

Some people do not care about patch management. On windows, I would say
very few people deal with patches. I agree this is a very important
point, though.

> Which feature does Bzr have that Git doesn't?

Windows support, easier to use, easier to install. Those can matter a
lot, or not at all. That's why I have always been very careful to
mention that I prefer git, I think git is better, but not that git is
better. As much as I now prefer git to bzr, I think it is unrealistic to
require git for some projects I am involved with - I find bzr easier
than svn, but git is as complicated as svn, if not more for some things.
As much as I like the staging area, this makes things more complicated
UI-wise. Sometimes, when I have some errors accessing remote, my
reaction is "Uh ?".

But really, my point was just that "bzr if fast enough" is not a ground
truth, and that there is a large fraction of projects / workflows
combinations where this is not true. I think we had enough bzr vs git



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