Brief article on benchmarks of Python repository with leading DVCSen

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Feb 11 17:07:45 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Nicholas Allen wrote:
> Paul Moore wrote:
>> 2009/2/11 Nicholas Allen <nicholas.allen at>:
>>> I mean all they have to do is *one* extra command (not even for each
>>> branch
>>> but just once per project):
>>> bzr init-repo my-branches
>>> Then they just have to branch all there branches below that directory.
>> A purely personal comment - it's this second part that's the issue.
>> Bazaar is dictating my directory structure, and that's what I dislike.
> I think the idea I had of an automatic revision cache would completely
> solve this problem. Of course you could make your home directory a
> shared repository but that is a bit extreme and not the way Bazaar
> recommends to use shared repositories. This also wouldn't help if you
> branched a remote location into /tmp either.

Doing "bzr init-repo ~" would be equivalent to an automatic revision
cache. With any sort of cache you have to then decide when to expire
data, etc. Making the cache per-project makes it a bit more obvious,
because then if you are done with a project, you just nuke the repo and
everything below.

> I did mention this idea a while ago but can't find the thread now. Not
> sure why the Bazaar devs decided not to implement it. I would really
> expect it to only be a few lines to implement (although I know nothing
> about the Bazaar code base).
> Nick

Because it is the same as a global shared repo, and has the same plusses
and minuses.
If something is a pure "cache" then you remove things when they aren't
needed. How do you determine when it is "safe" to do so.

If you don't want to copy the data into each branch (which was the whole
point), then you have to search the hard-drive for any branch which
thinks it's data is safe in the cache before you could safely remove

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