Commit comments when merging

Brian de Alwis bsd at
Tue Feb 10 16:51:36 GMT 2009

On 9-Feb-2009, at 6:22 PM, James Henstridge wrote:
> When you merge a branch, the actual commits are imported into your
> branch too.  The "bzr log" output will show the merged revisions
> indented, so you don't need to repeat their commit messages in the
> message for your merge revision.

That's unfortunately not true if you're merging to a non-bzr format,  
such as through bzr-svn.

In such circumstances, I find myself doing something like:

	$ cd trunk
	$ bzr missing --theirs ../branch | pbcopy
	$ bzr merge ../branch
	$ bzr commit

where pbcopy is a MacOS X command to copy stdin to the clipboard  
(pasteboard).  I can then paste the log to the editor during commit  
and modify appropriately.


"Amusement to an observing mind is study." - Benjamin Disraeli

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