Commit comments when merging

James Henstridge james at
Tue Feb 10 00:22:58 GMT 2009

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 1:20 AM, J. Bobby Lopez <bobby.lopez at> wrote:
> When I merge changes from one branch into another, I notice that the commit
> comments from the source branch are not always brought over in their
> entirety.
> When I do a merge, and then a commit, the comments show up below the "----"
> line, so they are ignored.  But also, the comment is truncated, so I can't
> just copy/paste the comment
> from below the line.
> Is there a way to merge/commit bring over the full comments for the
> revisions which are being merged in?  Even if they show up below the ignore
> line, it would be helpful because I could then just copy and paste the
> comment above the line.

When you merge a branch, the actual commits are imported into your
branch too.  The "bzr log" output will show the merged revisions
indented, so you don't need to repeat their commit messages in the
message for your merge revision.


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