[RFC/MERGE][Bug #243998] has_workingtree should work on remote BzrDirs

Gary van der Merwe garyvdm at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 02:05:36 GMT 2009

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Daniel Watkins
<daniel at daniel-watkins.co.uk> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Currently, has_workingtree behaves slightly oddly.  On a local BzrDir,
> it will return True if there is a WT and False if there is not (this is
> not the odd part).  On a remote BzrDir, it will return False if there is
> not a WT, but will throw errors.NotLocalUrl if there is one.  The
> attached is a two-line fix which catches the error and returns True in
> its place.  Pretty simple.
> However, I'm struggling to work out how to test it.  While it's not
> vital that this is tested (as it is currently not directly tested and
> this change passes the full test suite), I'd like to add some in.  Could
> someone give me some pointers as to how to go about testing this?

There is a test in bzr-upload that checks that you can't upload to a
location where there is a working tree. This might be a starting


line 621 to eof


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