thought of the day: bzr is making some developers' heads hurt.

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Feb 7 08:59:19 GMT 2009

Marius Kruger пишет:
> I was reading:
> and found a link to a long svn mail by Karl Fogel (who is helping out here
> now too AIUI):
> ==
>> Those of us who work in version control, who think about branching and
>> merging and change algebra and diff3/diff4 algorithms all day, often
>> forget this. One of Subversion's biggest advantages, and one of the
>> reasons it's taking over the world, is that it's really easy to
>> understand. There's a repository; you check stuff out; you modify the
>> stuff; you check it back in. Comprehensibility is a big part of
>> survivability: wherever Subversion goes from here, it must not become
>> so complex that it can't be explained in five minutes or less with no
>> questions from the audience. (I've witnessed enough explanations of
>> decentralized systems to know that their learning curve is generally a
>> bit steeper, though it may well be worth it.)
> ==
> This made me think of something somebody at work asked me recently:
> "I need to backport this fix to an older release branch, but I don't want to
> think about it. Can you quickly do it for me?"

So, what is the actual problem? May be you need to write some sort of short
howtos for your colleagues?

> Granted it is not the simplest of scenarios, and our setup is also
> suboptimal (even unoptimal :) .
> (several developers sharing the same workingtrees on a dev server,
> because the setup for the whole system is so complicated it was deemed
> better to just
> set up one instance and we share it)

I hope something can and will be changed here.

> Anyways, I can see that a lot of deverlopers think that bzr is complicated.
> Maybe because as Karl says we are doing complicated things.
> The sad thing now is that the powers that be, will probably decide that we
> have to standardise on svn now (for this and other reasons). That would just
> break my heart.
> Don't worry, I won't go down without a fight (among others blaming our
> setup).
> It might sound stupid that one might consider resigning over a version
> control system,
> but bzr has grown so much a part of my lifestyle, that I can't imagine
> living without it.
> Ah well if it does happen, I assume bzr-svn is going to get a workout from
> me,
> expect patches :)
> So I hope you guys are inspired to help out Karl in doing better PR and
> user-friendlier UI's/GUI's for bzr,
> it could save someone's life!


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