[MERGE] Add merge indication to the line format

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at wartburg.edu
Sat Feb 7 01:58:49 GMT 2009

This is another one of the patches that Ian C. suggested would be  
appropriate for novices.  This adds the text "[merge]" to the line  
format of log, so that revisions which are merges are easily  
identified for further scrutiny (such as with ``bzr log --line -n0 - 
r ...``)

It was also suggested that with the advent of the -nN options to log,  
it might also be nice to have a similar indication for the long log  
format.  I did *not* do that here because I couldn't figure out a  
clean way to get the revno's for the parent revisions from the  
information that the log formatter has (which is their revision ids).   
As a workaround, if one doesn't mind looking at revision-ids, ``bzr  
log --show-ids --long -n1`` will indicated merge revisions by listing  
more than one parent.

As an aside, there are now lots of separate log-related items in  
NEWS.  I don't know if we ever edit NEWS to be more readable and less  
indicative of every single separate contribution, but since 1.12 looks  
like our "Loggy" release, maybe we should consider putting something  
more polished in the release notes.


"The object of mathematics is the honor of the human spirit."
   -- Carl Jacobi

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