[RFC] UI for logging directories and multiple files

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Tue Feb 3 02:54:24 GMT 2009

John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> Here I agree a bit more, and perhaps it makes sense to be more
> consistent between the single FILE case and the multiple FILE cases.
> Though we still need a "and show me the rest" flag.

Yes, I think that consistency is important. Aaron suggested
--all-files as the "show me the rest" flag. I think that would
work nicely, though I prefer --all-changes as the name.

> Personally, I would like to only show the delta when requested, if only
> because I normally don't want to see the delta.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll go with off by default.
Again, that should maximise consistency I think.

Ian C.

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