[PEBKAC] Bzr mixing up branches?

Sohail Somani sohail at worklogassistant.com
Sun Feb 1 23:26:43 GMT 2009

Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 08:46:22AM +1300 I heard the voice of
> Talden, and lo! it spake thus:
>> Should we then produce an error if using push/pull in a checkout?
> Heck no.  Using push and pull in a checkout make EXACTLY as much sense
> as using push and pull anywhere else.  All a checkout means is that
> your working tree isn't colocated with your branch.
> Push and pull are branch operations; you use them any time you want to
> do something involving 2 branches.  They're inappropriate when you
> want to do something involving your branch and your working tree, but
> that's not push/pull's fault, any more than it's the fault of a
> screwdriver when you can't rake leaves with it.

Is it possible then to suggest a way besides "don't do it?" Maybe we can
start from scratch. What I want to do is:

 - Have a central repository
 - Ability to branch and do development for the next release
 - Simultaneously maintaining a stable release branch with bug fixes

Maybe I should not use bzr but I really like the merging capability.

I am slowly training myself not to type push/pull but it is still quite
error-prone for me. I just did it again!

Besides, I have enough ways to shoot myself in the foot by using C++ ;-)


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