[MERGE][#321066] "bzr log -r 1.1.1..1" dotted revnos in the wrong order raises ValueError

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Jan 26 22:56:24 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Marius Kruger wrote:
> 2009/1/26 John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com
> <mailto:john at arbash-meinel.com>>
>     I think we should trap this at a different point. Specifically, doing
>     "is_ancestor()" is a very expensive check, without much of a benefit.
>     Instead, I think we should just trap the location that is causing a
>     ValueError and give a better exception at that time.
> done.
> Originally I was initially VERY tempted to do just that, but I thought
> it was less correct
> and that I can't give the error message I wanted at that point.
> Although I now give a different message than the non-dotted revno case,
> I think it is accurate to the method it happens in and still useful to
> the user.
> thanks for looking at this very low priority bug
> marius

+            self.assertTrue('revno: %s\n' % revno not in log,
+                'Contains unexpected revno %s' % revno)

^- I would find this easier to read as:
self.assertFalse(('revno: %s\n' % revno) in log)

The extra parenthesis make it clear that it isn't
'revno: %s\n' % (revno not in log)

Also, I think "assertFalse((x in y))" is a tiny bit clearer than
"assertTrue((x not in y))" but that is certainly a personal taste thing,
and you can do it however you like.

Otherwise I think it looks good.


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