Short, task-based bzr doclets for real-world use cases.

Matt Doran matt.doran at
Fri Jan 16 07:57:47 GMT 2009

Hi Karl,

Karl Fogel wrote:
> Thoughts?  Rotten tomatos?  Am I onto a real problem here?
It's a real problem.  I'm not expert, I'm just a lurker on the list 
(like I was on the svn lists when you were there).   

We currently use svn, and I've considered converting us over to a tool 
like bzr.  And though I consider myself an svn "expert", I'm a bit 
bewildered by all the options.

In addition to Karl's "getting started" use-cases, I think something 
that would *greatly* help the bzr adoption rate is simple guides to 
transitioning from other VCSs (like subversion).    There are millions 
of svn users out there, and simplifying the transition will definitely 
bring users to bzr.

Some of the things I've wondered an not found simple/obvious answers to:

    * How do I convert my svn repo to bzr and then publish it?
    * My svn repo contains multiple independent projects, each with
      their own trunk/branches/tags sub folders .... how would I convert
      this to bzr?  Can I have a single repository?  Or a separate one
      for each project?
    * Which bzr repo format should I use?
    * How does using a foreign branch (bzr branch svn://blah) differ
      from converting the repo using svn-import (or svn2bzr)?  When
      would I choose one over the other?

There's scattering of information on these topics ... but it's hard to 
get a clear picture of the steps.   It would be great if the transition 
from other VCSs could also be added to your list!

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