bazaar standup 20090116

Martin Pool mbp at
Thu Jan 15 22:53:12 GMT 2009

martin: plans to do 1.11final today; talked to kiko about benchmarking
who suggests making it into a more visible dashboard; should also run
vcs-race on orcadas;

robert: working on benchmarks for compression and teasing apart the
different time components of insertion; will look at Dulwich today

ian: got lots of sleep! :)  got the fix for 'bzr log --short FILE'
out.  had a long chat with vincent and reviewed his patch. log --deep
still an open question with vila.  today planning to finish the
usertest log benchmark and get some results on the refactoring branch.

john: worked on doing the hash map in the split-inventory code.

vincent (special guest star): sent mail on some mysql bugs, was nearly
convincing that it's a misunderstanding on how lcas are calculated and
may be near completion on that front.  planning to work on more
mysql-affecting bugs.   and thinking about something to better help
explain why there are conflicts, and maybe some tools to help propose
the most common resolutions.

Martin <>

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