What's the status of Python 2.6 support?

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Jan 13 21:51:00 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Tschabuschnig <tschaboo at gmx.at> writes:

    Christian> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
    >> I certainly would like to ensure that our FTP support works on
    >> python2.6, but honestly FTP support isn't at the top of my
    >> requirement list.

    Christian> I think FTP support should be assured at any price.

It will be assured for a long time, remember that our gate keeper
runs python-2.4... and no commit could occur on bzr.dev without
passing the full test suite.

Even the client runs in 2.6, the problem we're talking about here
is for our test server.


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