[MERGE] Fix #175520 by implementing a --deep option for log
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Jan 13 17:41:51 GMT 2009
>>>>> "robert" == Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> writes:
robert> On Thu, 2009-01-08 at 07:46 +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> > $bzr log --find-file-ids FILE
robert> I'm pretty partial to having this be a more general search facility :)
robert> [e.g. the 'bzr search path:FILE' that I used as an example before].
robert> In particular I don't think log is a suitable vehicle for arbitrary
robert> queries.
This shed an interesting light on the problem... It looks like we
can't reach an agreement on what log should or should not do (and
I think all exposed points of view are valid, but coming with a
set of options to address them all sounds like a never ending
How about abandoning that --old option in favor of a --file-ids
option which will indicate that the additional arguments are to
be interpreted as file-ids instead of paths ?
That way, log remains simpler but once we add the ability to
handle several parameters, we can still obtain the --old behavior
by specifying the file-ids of interest (obtained from bzr search,
or any other mean).
My current feeling is that there are too many use cases for log
and trying to address them all in the command itself will never
succeeds (or ends up with a monster nobody will ever master).
Instead, special needs could be delegated to special log
formatters and we keep log with a simple model (--old was
introducing one level of complexity (UI wise) by displaying the
revisions for several file-ids at once).
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