AW: [RFC] proposed changes to log UI

Voelker, Bernhard bernhard.voelker at
Tue Jan 13 13:12:53 GMT 2009

>     Ian> 2. I want to make --short the default format. (Many of us
>     Ian>    do this already as it provides the best signal:noise
>     Ian>    ratio and performance for most of the workflows that
>     Ian>    Bazaar encourages.)
> Sure, mentioning that 'bzr log' honors the 'log_format' variable
> in configuration files may help transitioning people how prefer
> --long as their default.

What about a -fmt "<format-specifiers>" option?
This would ease batch processing because exactly the info wanted would
be printed then.
I know this from IBM [Rational] ClearCase where most commands support
this option.

Just a thought.

Have a nice day,

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