[RFC] proposed changes to log UI

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Jan 13 10:57:31 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Ian" == Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net> writes:

    Ian> As currently implemented, log is O(history). I'd like
    Ian> to make some UI changes so that it can be refactored
    Ian> to use a more intelligent approach by default for
    Ian> common operations.

    Ian> 1. If a single revision is given, I just want to log it,
    Ian>    not all the revisions merging it to mainline. If you
    Ian>    want the latter, perhaps -v ought to be required?

-v is already overloaded, --include-merges has been used for 'bzr

    Ian> 2. I want to make --short the default format. (Many of us
    Ian>    do this already as it provides the best signal:noise
    Ian>    ratio and performance for most of the workflows that
    Ian>    Bazaar encourages.)

Sure, mentioning that 'bzr log' honors the 'log_format' variable
in configuration files may help transitioning people how prefer
--long as their default.


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