Printable Documentation

Stefan Monnier monnier at
Tue Jan 13 04:23:00 GMT 2009

>> While we're talking format: could we have a make rule to generate
>> a TeXinfo (and then Info) version of the doc?

> You are welcome to have a go at converting the docs to that format.  It
> seems like a relatively straightforward problem--perhaps a new Docutils
> output format implementation?

I don't have much time to devote to learning how Docutils works, sadly,
which is why I'd like to see someone else do it.

> Personally, I don't see the point of TeXinfo/Info documentation.  It is
> much more efficient for me to simply browse HTML files (even with
> Links/Lynx on a character terminal) instead of suffering through the
> user interface of 'info'. Why another format? (Except for the GNU
> decree.)

There are 2 points, indeeds:
- Bazar being a GNU project, it should (by convention) provide
  a Texinfo documentation.
- Browsing doc in Info is infinitely more efficient than suffering
  through clumsy HTML pages.

Clearly, the second point is a matter of taste, but I'm not the only one
of that opinion.


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