QBzr 0.9.6 released
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Sat Jan 10 10:18:14 GMT 2009
On behalf of QBzr developers I'd like to announce new 0.9.6 release.
Changes in this release:
0.9.6 - 2009-01-10
New features in this release: throbber, interactive password prompt,
post_uncommit hook, new bug-url command. Dozen of bugs fixed as well.
* Add post_uncommit hook to remember the uncomitted commit message.
* Add interactive prompt for password if access to the branch require it.
* Add throbber feature: user will see message "Loading..." and animation
when there is long operation in progress to indicate that qbzr window
is not hang.
* Command-line interface to QBzr commands now is much closer to
coresponding commands in bzr itself. Where possible commands
options are reused from bzr. (#272359)
* qcommit:
* Commit without message is forbidden (#297606).
* If no files selected to commit then user will be asked
for confirmation. Commit without files allowed only
when bzr >= 1.6 is used. (#148165)
* qdiff:
* To detect binary files entire file content is analyzed, not only first 1K.
* Short option name for --deleted changed from -D to -K.
* If there is no changes in the tree or specified file list (file group)
then show info box with "No changes found" message (#295767).
* Unidiff produce valid headers. (#308095)
* qlog: multiple improvements for showing common log of multiple branches.
* qpull and qmerge in lightweight checkouts now working for the tree,
not for the master branch. (#310314)
* New command bug-url (console only) can show you full URL to bug number
and optionally open this URL in your browser.
* New translations added: Hebrew, Polish.
QBzr is a cross-platform GUI front end for Bazaar, based on Qt toolkit.
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