multiple developers commit different files to same bound branch

Stefan Monnier monnier at
Sat Jan 10 03:17:36 GMT 2009

>>>>> And after that I commit my changes in working tree B - now the problem
>>>>> occurs.
>>>>> Based on what I know I must first update the whole working tree B and
>>>>> than do the commit - and that is what I don't want.
>> Could you explain why you don't want to have to do this "bzr pull"
>> before doing your "bzr commit"?
> From the bzr manual I learned that the bzr  pull or bzr missing commans make
> sense only in case I work with two branches.
> In my case I have several "checked out" working trees bound to the
> same branch.
> Even I tried to use the bzr pull I have got error message. Maybe I did it in
> wrong way.

> My other requirement for the VCS is to be able (and mainly used) to do
> lightweight checkouts - this means working
> tree without any "pristine copies" connected to one "shared" branch - 
> the reason is to save the disk space.

Then you just need to use "bzr update" rather than "bzr pull".
So I restate my question:

   Could you explain why you don't want to have to do this "bzr update"
   before doing your "bzr commit"?

-- Stefan

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