scmproj: testing project: bzr.exe.project as bzr.exe building workspace

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Jan 3 09:28:11 GMT 2009

Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Mark Hammond пишет:
>>> * The description of "views" sounds very interesting, but I fear
>>> confusion with the "filtered views" work being done by Ian.
>> Yep. :-(
>> I should admit that I was not aware of Ian work when I've chosen "view"
>> word as term for scmproj. I think it will be better to avoid using it
>> in scmproj. After chat with Marius Kruger I'm planning to change it
>> to "subset".
> Alex,
> Thanks for changing this. I think your new term is a better one in
> that the feature lets you mix and match components. "Filtered views"
> as I've proposed them let you pick whatever you like from a branch
> as a view, not just one or more components.

Yes, I understand your spec. This is main difference: "filtered views"
working for files in a branch, while "subsets" in scmproj working for
components as single units. So, they work on different abstraction layers.

> I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on my filtered views proposal.
> (I want to ensure the two features work together as best they can.)

Today it seems for me that filtered views and subsets is two orthogonal
features. So today I don't have any specific thoughts about your "views".
It should be very nice feature for command-line bzr usage, but it's not
very important for GUI bzr tools, IMHO. May be I'm wrong.

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