[RFC] new format 1.12 (1.11?) enabling EOL & filtered views

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Dec 15 15:05:21 GMT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy пишет:
>> 1. Adding 2 new experimental formats called 1.12preview and
>>    1.12preview-rich-root respectively. These formats will be
>>    the same as their 1.9 counterparts except that the WT will
>>    be (the new) WT5, not WT4.
> Please, stop supporting this unneeded dichotomy, and provide only
> rich-root variant.
> Please?

I fully understand the desire to simplify things. I just don't think
this is the change that pushes for it.

Upgrading non-rr to rr is a hard process because we re-serialize
everything, and commits to rr are not allowed in non-rr repositories, so
 it introduces far more difficulties. Simply wanting to experiment with
a new WT feature should not prevent you from merging your changes back
into bzr.dev.

Something like split-inventory helps with one half of the problem (we
have to reserialize anyway to get the large benefits of
split-inventory). It doesn't prevent the round-tripping issue, but at
least it provides a reason for people to make the trade-off.

That said, I support only exposing one of the variants as a directly
available format.

I suppose EOL support might be something that people would accept
incompatibility with their other branches.

I honestly feel that doing it w/ split inventories gives us a clear
deadline of when we expect to do it, and a sufficient benefit to
actually bear the cost.


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