Consistent use of -f/-d type option to specify subject of operation

Colin D Bennett colin at
Wed Dec 10 23:28:20 GMT 2008

These are some thoughts I've had on specifying the subject branch or
tree to bzr commands.

I've noticed that besides the 'revision-info' command, for which I
noticed Michael Hudson recently provided a nice patch, that a number of
bzr commands still require the current directory to be set to the
target of the operation.  For instance:

- send (edit: nope, it just uses a different option from the others)[1]
- switch
- bind 
- conflicts
- nick

While most of the time, using the current directory is usually the
most convenient option for interactive use, when you are using remote
branches that are only accessible via 'bzr://' or 'http://' and not
accessible as filesystem objects, these commands are unusable.

Some commands only make sense for a working tree, so it's less
important for those that the directory can be specified (i.e., they
must already be accessible on the filesystem).

Actually, after looking at the help for 'send', I noticed a
-f/--from=ARG option that looks like it would allow making merge
directives for remote branches.  However, I have a hard time
comprehending the distinction between -d/--directory=ARG (used by many
commands) and -f/--from=ARG (used by 'send' and perhaps others).  Is
there a good reason that '-d' was abandoned for 'send'?

Could we have a universal option to specify the *subject* of the
operation; by this I mean that *subject* is defined as whatever the
current directory would mean:  for 'send', the subject is currently
specified by the '--from' option, while for 'push' the subject is
currently specified by the '--directory' option.

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