Repository size . . . is this right
Russel Winder
russel.winder at
Wed Dec 10 08:24:25 GMT 2008
On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 10:12 +1100, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
> Russel Winder wrote:
> > I have a Git repository of the Gradle project with two branches and it
> > is 132932 MB.
> >
> > I have a Bazaar shared repository of the Gradle project with 4 branches
> > (each branch working tree is about 30MB) and it was 481640 MB. I did a
> > pack on the 4 branches in the shared repository and now the shared
> > repository is 758860 MB.
> >
> > This is not good.
> In addition to other comments, try "bzr upgrade --1.9". (Don't forget to
> delete/exclude the backup.bzr directory when measuring disk usage.)
> The 1.9 format has more compact index files than the default format. The
> actual pack files are the same, but the index files can be a significant
> part of the repository data.
> Once bzr 1.9 is old enough that most users are likely to have it, then we'll
> probably make the 1.9 format the default format for new branches.
It appears that is is not the indexes but the packs themselves that are
the problem. I am beginning to think this is a garbage collection
problem. I performed the upgrade and then:
|> du -s backup.bzr/repository/*
4 backup.bzr/repository/format
1772 backup.bzr/repository/indices
4 backup.bzr/repository/lock
308548 backup.bzr/repository/obsolete_packs
4 backup.bzr/repository/pack-names
306536 backup.bzr/repository/packs
0 backup.bzr/repository/shared-storage
4 backup.bzr/repository/upload
|> du -s .bzr/repository/*
4 .bzr/repository/format
540 .bzr/repository/indices
4 .bzr/repository/lock
4 .bzr/repository/obsolete_packs
4 .bzr/repository/pack-names
306536 .bzr/repository/packs
0 .bzr/repository/shared-storage
4 .bzr/repository/upload
So the indexes got reduced by 60%, but the packs are the same.
For comaprison the git repository:
|> du -s .git/*
4 .git/branches
4 .git/config
4 .git/description
64 .git/gitk.cache
4 .git/HEAD
44 .git/hooks
136 .git/index
12 .git/info
364 .git/logs
96976 .git/objects
4 .git/ORIG_HEAD
4 .git/packed-refs
56 .git/qgit_cache.dat
28 .git/refs
220 .git/svn
|> du -s .git/objects/*
8 .git/objects/info
96964 .git/objects/pack
and this has more history in it -- all the branches and tags from the
Subversion repository as well as one local branch, where the Bazaar
repository has only trunk plus 3 local branches not tracking anything in
I guess I should experiment by starting a new shared repository and
branching in the branches to see if an effective reinitialization cuts
down the problem. If it does then I guess it is a garbage collection
Dr Russel Winder Partner
Concertant LLP t: +44 20 7585 2200, +44 20 7193 9203
41 Buckmaster Road, f: +44 8700 516 084
London SW11 1EN, UK. m: +44 7770 465 077
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